
The full up-to-date list of the core commands.

  • Generates the internal hook call override in 'carbon/plugins/debug'.

  • Unloads and uninstalls (moves the file to the backup folder) the plugin with the name.

  • Looks up the backups directory and moves the plugin back in the plugins folder installing it with the name.

  • Toggles recording status of the Carbon native Mono-profiling. Syntax: c.profile [duration] [-cm] [-am] [-t] [-c] [-gc]

  • Aborts recording of the Carbon native Mono-profiling if it was recording.

  • If any parsed data available, it'll print basic and advanced information.

  • All tracking lists present in the config which are used by the Mono profiler for tracking.

  • Adds an object to be tracked. Reloading the plugin will start tracking. Restarting required for assemblies, modules and extensions.

  • Removes a plugin from being tracked. Reloading the plugin will remove it from being tracked. Restarting required for assemblies, modules and extensions.

  • Prints all currently queued up tests ready to be executed.

  • Executes all Test Beds that are currently queued up.

  • Clears all Test Beds that are currently queued up.

  • Carbon Editor requested RCon command for loading an addon.

  • Searches through Carbon-processed console commands.

  • Searches through Carbon-processed chat commands.

  • Adds a new conditional compilation symbol to the compiler.

  • Removes an existent conditional compilation symbol from the compiler.

  • Prints a list of all conditional compilation symbols used by the compiler.

  • Loads Carbon Client config from file.

  • Saves Carbon Client config to file.

  • Prints a list of the currently available addons.

  • Prints a list of useful statistic information of Carbon Client performance.

  • Unloads all currently loaded addons then reloads them relative to the config changes. (Options: async [bool|true])

  • Unloads all currently loaded addons then reloads them relative to the config changes.

  • Loads Carbon config from file.

  • Saves Carbon config to file.

  • Assigns a new command alias. (Eg. c.assignalias myalias c.reload)

  • Unassigns a command alias. (Eg. c.unassignalias myalias)

  • Prints the full list of aliases and respective redirected commands.

  • Clears the entire CUI containers and their elements from the caller's client.

  • Clears all progress on all of the current hooks (hook time, fires, memory usage and lag spikes).

  • Completely unloads Carbon from the game, rendering it fully vanilla. WARNING: This is for testing purposes only.

  • Returns a brief introduction to Carbon.

  • Version information of the Carbon build and Rust.

  • Information about the currently running Carbon build.

  • Protocol information used by the hook system of the Carbon build.

  • Information about the Git commit of this build.

  • Prints an intricate list of all the reasons why the server is set to modded and solutions to fix it.

  • Executes a variety of changes necessary to set the server viable for the Community section. Run 'c.whymodded' to see what will be changed.

  • Fully reloads all extensions.

  • Prints a list of all currently loaded extensions.

  • Loads a mod from 'carbon/harmony'. The equivalent of Rust's harmony.load that's been stripped away under framework management.

  • Unloads a mod from 'carbon/harmony'. The equivalent of Rust's harmony.unload that's been stripped away under framework management.

  • Prints all currently loaded and processed HarmonyMods.

  • Prints total information for all currently active and patched hooks in the server. (syntax: c.hooks [loaded] [-p|-s|-d])

  • Prints advanced information about a specific hook (takes [uint|string]). From hooks, hook times, hook memory usage to plugin and modules using it and other things.

  • Enables debugging on a specific hook, which logs each time it fires. This can affect server performance, depending on how ofter the hook is firing.

  • Enables debugging on all hooks and future hooks that will be processed (defaults debugging enabled on hooks).

  • For debugging purposes, it executes a hook manually. If the hook have arguments, it'll most likely throw plugin/module errors, but we probably want those.

  • Removes all markers of the calling player or argument filter.

  • Enables or disables Carbon modules. Visit root/carbon/modules and use the config file names as IDs.

  • Saves the configs and data files of all available modules.

  • Saves Carbon module config & data file.

  • Loads the configs and data files of all available modules.

  • Loads Carbon module config & data file.

  • Prints a list of all available modules. Eg. c.modules [-abc|--json|-t|-m|-f] [-asc]

  • Prints advanced information about a currently loaded module. From hooks, hook times, hook memory usage and other things.

  • Fully reloads all modules.

  • Reloads a currently loaded module assembly entirely.

  • Locally opens the cs file of a loaded plugin.

  • Locally opens the root folder of Carbon.

  • Locally opens the configs folder of Carbon.

  • Locally opens the modules folder of Carbon.

  • Locally opens the data folder of Carbon.

  • Locally opens the plugins folder of Carbon.

  • Locally opens the extensions folder of Carbon.

  • Locally opens the logs folder of Carbon.

  • Locally opens the language folder of Carbon.

  • Grant one or more permissions to users or groups. Do 'c.grant' for syntax info.

  • Revoke one or more permissions from users or groups. Do 'c.revoke' for syntax info.

  • Displays information about a specific player or group (incl. permissions, groups and user list). Do 'c.show' for syntax info.

  • Adds or removes a player from a group. Do 'c.usergroup' for syntax info.

  • Adds or removes a group. Do 'c.group' for syntax info.

  • Prints the list of mods and their loaded plugins. Eg. c.plugins [-j|--j|-json|-abc|--json|-t|-m|-f|-ls] [-asc]

  • Reloads all or specific mods / plugins. E.g 'c.reload * <except[]>'' to reload everything.

  • Loads all mods and/or plugins. E.g 'c.load * <except[]>'' to load everything you've unloaded.

  • Unloads all mods and/or plugins. E.g 'c.unload * <except[]>' to unload everything. They'll be marked as 'ignored'.

  • Prints advanced information about a currently loaded plugin. From hooks, hook times, hook memory usage and other things.

  • Prints a full list of chat and console commands for a specific plugin.

  • Reloads a plugin's config file. This might have unexpected results, use cautiously.


  • Is the server forcefully set to modded due to options affecting significant gameplay changes in Carbon Auto?

  • Blacklisted oven entity prefabs.

  • The map name displayed in the Rust server browser. Shouldn't be longer than 64 characters.

  • Used by Carbon (client) servers. Any Carbon client that joins will use old properties version of recoil.

  • Used by Carbon (client) servers. Any Carbon client that joins will use this value for gravity.

  • Enable this if the server is Carbon client-enabled server. [Only applies on server restart]

  • Mark this server as modded or not.

  • When disabled, you must load/unload plugins manually with c.load or c.unload.

  • Indicates wether the script watcher (whenever enabled) listens to the 'carbon/plugins' folder only, or its subfolders. (0 = Top-only directories, 1 = All directories)

  • When disabled, you must load/unload Harmony mods manually with c.harmonyload or c.harmonyunload.

  • When disabled, modules only get loaded when the server boots.

  • When disabled, extensions only get loaded when the server boots.

  • The level of debug logging for Carbon. Helpful for very detailed logs in case things break. (Set it to -1 to disable debug logging.)

  • The mode for writing the log to file. (0=disabled, 1=saves updates every 5 seconds, 2=saves immediately)

  • Server language used by the Language API.

  • Unload already loaded plugins when recompilation attempt fails. (Disabled by default)

  • Bypasses the command cooldowns for admin-authed players.

  • The size for each log (in megabytes) required for it to be split into separate chunks.

  • Show the Windows-only Carbon information at the bottom of the console.

  • [For debugging purposes] Overrides the script directory to this value so remote debugging is possible.

  • The threshold value used by the hook caller to determine what minimum time is considered as a server lag spike. Defaults to 1000ms.

  • Current server language for Carbon and plugins loaded.

  • The default group for any player with the regular authority level they get assigned to.

  • The default group players with the admin flag get assigned to.

  • Mono profiling status.

  • It should or should not print a reminding warning every 5 minutes when profiling for an un-set amount of time.

  • Configures the recycling ticks multiplier base speed relative.

  • Configures the SafeZone recycling ticks multiplier base speed relative.

  • The duration multiplier of blueprint researching finalization time.

  • The duration multiplier of transaction delay when buying from vending machines.

  • The time multiplier of crafting items without a workbench.

  • The time multiplier of crafting items at workbench level 1.

  • The time multiplier of crafting items at workbench level 2.

  • The time multiplier of crafting items at workbench level 3.

  • The speed multiplier of mixing table crafts.

  • Excavator resource tick multiplier rate.

  • Excavator time multiplier for processing full resources.

  • Excavator belt maximum speed multiplier.

  • The burning speed multiplier of ovens.

  • The burning speed multiplier of blacklisted ovens.

  • The burning temperature multiplier of ovens.

  • The burning temperature multiplier of blacklisted ovens.

  • Default server chat name.

  • Default server chat message name color.

  • Default server chat icon SteamID.

Last updated