Fishing (6)

All currently available hooks that are found in Carbon. Most hooks would be ones compatible with Oxide, although there are Carbon-only ones as well.


  • Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.

  • This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.

  • Patches BaseFishingRod.Server_RequestCast of Assembly-CSharp.dll.

void CanCastFishingRod()
    Puts("CanCastFishingRod was called!");


  • Called before a fish is caught.

  • Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.

  • This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.

  • Patches BaseFishingRod.CatchProcessBudgeted of Assembly-CSharp.dll.

void CanCatchFish()
    Puts("CanCatchFish was called!");


  • Called after a fish is caught, before the item is given.

  • Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.

  • This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.

  • Patches BaseFishingRod.CatchProcessBudgeted of Assembly-CSharp.dll.

void OnFishCatch()
    Puts("OnFishCatch was called!");

This hook requires CanCatchFish, which loads alongside OnFishCatch.


  • Called after a fish is caught.

  • Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.

  • This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.

  • Patches BaseFishingRod.CatchProcessBudgeted of Assembly-CSharp.dll.

void OnFishCaught(BaseFishingRod self, BaseFishingRod self1, BasePlayer local1)
    Puts("OnFishCaught was called!");

This hook requires OnFishCatch, which loads alongside OnFishCaught.


  • Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.

  • This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.

  • Patches BaseFishingRod.Server_RequestCast of Assembly-CSharp.dll.

void OnFishingRodCast(BaseFishingRod self, BasePlayer local1, Item local2)
    Puts("OnFishingRodCast was called!");

This hook requires CanCastFishingRod, which loads alongside OnFishingRodCast.


  • Called just after the fishing minigame has been stopped.

  • No return behaviour.

  • Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.

  • This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.

  • Patches BaseFishingRod.Server_Cancel of Assembly-CSharp.dll.

void OnFishingStopped(BaseFishingRod self, BaseFishingRod.FailReason reason)
    Puts("OnFishingStopped was called!");

Last updated