Weapon (30)
All currently available hooks that are found in Carbon. Most hooks would be ones compatible with Oxide, although there are Carbon-only ones as well.
Last updated
All currently available hooks that are found in Carbon. Most hooks would be ones compatible with Oxide, although there are Carbon-only ones as well.
Last updated
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches BaseHelicopter.IsValidHomingTarget of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches CH47Helicopter.IsValidHomingTarget of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches PlayerHelicopter.IsValidHomingTarget of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches PatrolHelicopter.IsValidHomingTarget of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches AttackHeliPilotFlare.IsValidHomingTarget of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches RoadFlare.IsValidHomingTarget of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches BasePlayer.CreateWorldProjectile of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches LiquidWeapon.CanFire of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches BaseProjectile.SwitchAmmoTo of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches BaseProjectile.UnloadAmmo of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches ThrownWeapon.DoDrop of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches DudTimedExplosive.Explode of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches TimedExplosive.SetFuse of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches ThrownWeapon.DoThrow of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches FireBall.DoRadialDamage of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches FireBall.TryToSpread of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches FlameExplosive.FlameExplode of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches FlameThrower.FlameTick of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches server.ImpactEffect of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches LiquidWeapon.StartFiring of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches LiquidWeapon.StopFiring of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches BaseProjectile.TryReloadMagazine of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches BaseMelee.CLProject of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches BasePlayer.OnProjectileRicochet of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches BaseLauncher.SV_Launch of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches TimedExplosive.Explode of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches BaseProjectile.CLProject of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches BaseProjectile.DelayedModsChanged of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches BaseProjectile.StartReload of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches BasePlayer.CreateWorldProjectile of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
This hook requires CanCreateWorldProjectile, which loads alongside OnWorldProjectileCreate.