Network (7)
All currently available hooks that are found in Carbon. Most hooks would be ones compatible with Oxide, although there are Carbon-only ones as well.
Last updated
All currently available hooks that are found in Carbon. Most hooks would be ones compatible with Oxide, although there are Carbon-only ones as well.
Last updated
Called when an entity attempts to network with a player.
For better performance, avoid using heavy calculations in this hook.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches BaseNetworkable.ShouldNetworkTo of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Called after a player has entered a network group.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches BaseNetworkable.OnNetworkGroupEnter of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Called after a player has left a network group.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches BaseNetworkable.OnNetworkGroupLeave of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches NetworkVisibilityGrid.GetVisibleFrom of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Called after the Rust has determined which network groups to subscribe a player to (`groupsToAdd`), and which network groups to unsubscribe the player from (`groupsToRemove`).
This hook is useful for situations where you want to subscribe a player to a network group that is outside their network range -- To do so, you can prevent Rust from automatically unsubscribing them by removing that group from the `groupsToRemove` list.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches Networkable.UpdateSubscriptions of Facepunch.Network.dll.
Called after the Rust has determined which network groups to subscribe a player to (`groupsToAdd`), and which network groups to unsubscribe the player from (`groupsToRemove`).
This hook is useful for situations where you want to subscribe a player to a network group that is outside their network range -- To do so, you can prevent Rust from automatically unsubscribing them by removing that group from the `groupsToRemove` list.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches Networkable.UpdateHighPrioritySubscriptions of Facepunch.Network.dll.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches BaseEntity.SignalBroadcast of Assembly-CSharp.dll.