Last updated
Last updated
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches BaseCombatEntity.IsHostile of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches BasePlayer.IsHostile of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches TimedExplosive.CanStickTo of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches WorldItem.RPC_OpenLoot of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Can the Patrol Helicopter see the player.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is Carbon-only compatible.
Patches PatrolHelicopterAI.PlayerVisible.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is Carbon-only compatible.
Patches WeaponRack.GivePlayerAllWeapons.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is Carbon-only compatible.
Patches WeaponRack.GivePlayerWeapon.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is Carbon-only compatible.
Patches WeaponRack.MountWeapon.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches SamSite.WeaponTick of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches BasePlayer.CheckStashRevealInvoke of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches WaterBall.DoSplash of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches CargoPlane.UpdateDropPosition of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches SurveyCrater.AnalysisComplete of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches BaseArcadeMachine.AddScore of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches SleepingBag.RPC_MakeBed of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches BigWheelGame.Payout of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
This hook requires OnBigWheelWin, which loads alongside OnBigWheelLoss.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches BigWheelGame.Payout of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches BaseEntity.GetBuildingPrivilege of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches SupplySignal.Explode of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches CargoShip.StartEgress of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches CargoShip.StartHarborApproach of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches CargoShip.OnArrivedAtHarbor of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches CargoShip.LeaveHarbor of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches CargoShip.RespawnLoot of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Overrides the amount of comfort chairs give to players.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is Carbon-only compatible.
Patches BaseChair.GetComfort.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches Composter.UpdateComposting of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches DropUtil.DropItems of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches HackableLockedCrate.SetWasDropped of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches HackableLockedCrate.StartHacking of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches HackableLockedCrate.HackProgress of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches HackableLockedCrate.LandCheck of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches HackableLockedCrate.OnAttacked of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches DecayEntity.SpawnDebris of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches DecayEntity.OnDecay of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
This hook requires OnDecayHeal, which loads alongside OnDecayDamage.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches DecayEntity.OnDecay of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches DieselEngine.EngineSwitch of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches DieselEngine.EngineOff of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches DieselEngine.EngineOn of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches IsActiveItem.Test of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches BaseCombatEntity.Die of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches ResourceEntity.OnKilled of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches CH47HelicopterAIController.OnKilled of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches BradleyAPC.OnKilled of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches BaseMountable.DismountPlayer of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
This hook requires CanDismountEntity, which loads alongside OnEntityDismounted.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches BaseMountable.DismountPlayer of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
This hook requires OnEntityDismounted, which loads alongside OnEntityDismounted.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches MaxDistance.Test of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches TriggerBase.OnEntityEnter of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches TriggerComfort.OnEntityEnter of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches BaseEntity.SendNetworkUpdate_Flags of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches FromOwner.Test of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches DestroyOnGroundMissing.OnGroundMissing of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches BaseNetworkable.Kill of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches TriggerBase.OnEntityLeave of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches TriggerComfort.OnEntityLeave of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches BaseNetworkable.Load of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches BaseCombatEntity.MarkHostileFor of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches BasePlayer.MarkHostileFor of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches BaseCombatEntity.OnPickedUp of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Gets called whenever the entity is about to be saved for streaming.
No return behavior.
This hook is Carbon-only compatible.
Patches BaseNetworkable.ToStream.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches BaseNetworkable.SendAsSnapshot of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches BasePlayer.SendEntitySnapshot of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Called before any networked entity has spawned (including trees).
No return behavior.
This hook is Carbon-only compatible.
Patches BaseNetworkable.Spawn.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches BaseNetworkable.Spawn of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches StabilityEntity.StabilityCheck of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches ResourceEntity.OnAttacked of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Called when a player gets attacked.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches CorePlugin.IOnBasePlayerAttacked of Carbon.Common.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches IsVisible.Test of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches TriggeredEventPrefab.RunEvent of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches HitchTrough.AttemptToHitch of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches BaseRidableAnimal.RPC_Lead of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches HitchTrough.Unhitch of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches HotAirBalloon.EngineSwitch of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches HotAirBalloon.EngineSwitch of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
This hook requires OnHotAirBalloonToggle, which loads alongside OnHotAirBalloonToggled.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches HotAirBalloon.EngineSwitch of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
This hook requires OnHotAirBalloonToggled [on], which loads alongside OnHotAirBalloonToggled.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches BaseLiquidVessel.FillCheck of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches MixingTable.SVSwitch of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches PatrolHelicopterAI.NoGoZoneAdded of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches BaseOven.Cook of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches BaseOven.Cook of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
This hook requires OnOvenCook, which loads alongside OnOvenCooked.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches BaseOven.StartCooking of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches BaseOven.StartCooking of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
This hook requires OnOvenStart, which loads alongside OnOvenStarted.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches BaseOven.GetTemperature of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches BaseOven.SVSwitch of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches PatrolHelicopter.Hurt of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
This hook requires OnPatrolHelicopterTakeDamage, which loads alongside OnPatrolHelicopterKill.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches PatrolHelicopter.Hurt of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches InstantCameraTool.TakePhoto of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches InstantCameraTool.TakePhoto of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
This hook requires OnPhotoCapture, which loads alongside OnPhotoCaptured.
Whenever a weapon was picked up from the rack.
No return behavior.
This hook is Carbon-only compatible.
Patches WeaponRack.GivePlayerWeapon.
This hook requires CanPickupFromRack, which loads alongside OnPickupFromRack.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches PlanterBox.FertilizeGrowables of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches ReactiveTarget.ResetTarget of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches Recycler.SVSwitch of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches PoweredRemoteControlEntity.UpdateIdentifier of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches SamSite.ToggleDefenderMode of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches SamSite.TargetScan of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches SamSite.TargetScan of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
This hook requires OnSamSiteTarget, which loads alongside OnSamSiteTargetScan.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches SleepingBag.DestroyBag of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches SleepingBag.DestroyBag of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
This hook requires OnSleepingBagDestroy, which loads alongside OnSleepingBagDestroyed.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches SleepingBag.ValidForPlayer of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches SprayCanSpray.Server_RequestWaterClear of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches Sprinkler.DoSplash of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches BasePlayer.CheckStashRevealInvoke of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
This hook requires CanSeeStash, which loads alongside OnStashExposed.
No return behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches StashContainer.RPC_HideStash of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
This hook requires CanHideStash, which loads alongside OnStashHidden.
Returning a non-null value cancels default behavior.
This hook is compatible within Carbon and Oxide.
Patches StashContainer.DoOccludedCheck of Assembly-CSharp.dll.